Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Purpose in Patriotism

Being a patriot got a bad rap in the 1980's when love of America took a back seat to the white supremacist, gun-toting lunatic in the woods of wherever who was certain the Guberment (not a typo) was gonna kill us in them FEMA camps the UN was setting up. Oddly enough, this redefinition of patriotism took place at the same time being a "Global citizen" came into fashion. Weird, huh? I'm not saying it was a conspiracy. It's just one of those perfectly timed, well-planned coincides that happen rather frequently. Sort of like those chemical weapon attacks made by some deranged leader on his own people (and who has decided to stop using Federal Reserve Notes) right before the U.S. takes a pining to invading the "madman's" country like Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Remember Chemical Ali? It kinda' makes you wonder, "Who would be crazy enough to stock these lunatics with chemical weapons?" It's damn peculiar.

Nevertheless, patriotism is a good thing because it reminds us that even when we disagree, we're all still on the same side. That's important. Otherwise, we might turn into disparate, feuding factions. We'd be susceptible to manipulation. United we stand, right?

If we didn't hang together, the next thing we'd know we'd be jumping from one endless war to another and swindled by corrupt politicians who were in bed with sleazy business tycoons. The perpetrators of giant financial scams would remain nameless. Political parties would be defrauding the voters, political candidates would walk away from felonies free as can be in a country where the people don't give a s#!t about their future because they don't see one. It's all been so mismanaged for so long it's hopeless. No matter who you vote for, it's just more of the same disastrous policies that brought us to this place of despair.

The problem is we confused our
love of America with out politics, our love of country with who's gonna' make us rich, and defending the land with following a flag no matter where on earth it goes. None of these problems has a damn thing to do with who is sitting in the White House. It's got nothing to do with politics. You see, if the people are strong they don't need leaders because they are leaders. If the people are leaders they wont be following any more disastrous policies that brought us to this place of despair.
So, let's get the hell outta' here. 

Mostly Truth

They will call this fake news, and part of it is. Hillary wouldn't publish the truth. Therefore, there is no book. The rest is truth. Do your own research. You'll figure it out if you want to, but odds are that you would rather remain blissfully unaware of this nation's situation. Most of us are the people Morpheus is describing here...

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependant on the system, that they will fight to protect it. -Morpheus

Saturday, October 7, 2017

A Moment of Clarity

We spend hours everyday voicing our opinions, mostly to ourselves on Facebook, as if it makes a difference. We watch the fake news, we read the biased papers, and listen to the radio hosts who reinforce our points of view. That's how we stay informed. 

But if the chatter just stopped, if we put aside the heat of the moment, and thought in silence for a few memes about what's happened over the last couple of decades, we'd be hard pressed to conclude anything other than this...

We've lost our country and our voice in the world. We've been robbed of our future by scheming politicians (all of them) and crafty financiers (the usual suspects). In retaliation or by persuasion, we're robbing our children's children's children of their future by means of accounting ledgers because we've developed a sense of entitlement which is as boundless as the greed our "leaders" and their banker backers have repeatedly demonstrated by their bad examples. 

We're following the leaders.

Just following the leaders.





Monday, October 2, 2017

It's the Matrix

So, here it is America, our system is a sham...

The DNC uses "We don't owe anyone a fair primary election" as a defence against a class action lawsuit. 

[Wait! Go back and click that link]

This revelation may also explain why we've been fed so much red herring (e.g.- Russiagate, Little Rocket Man, and NFL Protests  by the media lately.

Why isn't the mainstream media shouting this from the hilltops? This is the biggest political scandal in American history! Our Republic has fallen. We've all been told, "Every vote matters", but that just ain't so. What good is voting when someone else chooses the candidates you may vote for. Hitler or Stalin, take your pick because it's a free country.

Hey kids, try this on for size...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the oligarchy for which it stands..."

Definition of oligarchy

plural oligarchies

1:government by the few 
  • The corporation is ruled by oligarchy.

2:a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes 
  • a military oligarchy was established in the country
also :a group exercising such control 
  • An oligarchy ruled the nation.