Sunday, June 12, 2022

What Janet Yellen doesn’t know

What Janet Yellen doesn’t know about cryptocurrencies could fill the Library of Congress many times over. What Janet Yellen doesn’t know about cryptocurrencies could fill the empty bellies of starving children for generations to come. What Janet Yellen doesn’t know about cryptocurrencies could secure the vote against corruption permanently. What Janet Yellen doesn’t know about cryptocurrencies is they’re transforming the way we transact business, invest money, participate in entrepreneurship, play in our off time, and the way we claim ownership of both physical and virtual assets. What Janet Yellen doesn’t know about cryptocurrencies is that they have revolutionized the organization chart of corporate governance, transparency, and accountability. However, we can be certain that Janet Yellen knows that cryptocurrencies could make the retail bank an endangered and extinct species in short order. 

She knows that cryptos are a threat to the Federal Reserve and her banker buddies who together control the ebb and flow of wealth. She knows an insulting 0.1% interest rate on dollar denominated savings deposits is just a way of screwing every American with a pay cut extracted in 10% inflation before anyone was aware they were being paid in the Federal Reserve’s self-eviscerating currency.  Janet Yellen knows her part in continuing the faustian tragedy that is the American financial system. Her job is to protect and maintain the byzantine network of personal principalities that keep the heart of the zombie dollar beating for one more year, one more month, one more day, one more hour to keep you snacking on the same classic shit sandwich Americans have habitually choked down. 

Repeat after me: American banks are rock solid!  Regardless if they suffer catastrophic losses requiring taxpayer bailouts about once every ten years. During the 

apocalyptic devaluations, the financial sector posts triple digit gains, enormous bonuses, and spends billions lobbying Congress to add a word here or drop a sentence there in the latest financial reform bill. Meanwhile, Congress spends our money like a drunken sailor running up an unpayable debt until the next unholy creature pours his bowl of wrath upon the Earth. That is what Janice Yellen understands as “normal, responsible State-regulated finance” suitable for the American people and their families.

Throughout human history there have been milestones that gave humanity the power to achieve  the next level. Social organization, the discovery of language, writing, the domestication of animals, agriculture, trade, universal mediums of exchange, electricity, telecommunications, miniaturization, flight, and yes… cryptocurrencies. Our next milestone if only we would stop listening to the Bidens, Yellens, and the Powells grunting at us while beating their chests threateningly. Warning us to stay within the safety of Byzantium's impregnable walls and all will be well. 

Friday, June 10, 2022

Laughing at the Bank

Let's do some math... 

0.1% interest - 8.1% inflation = -8% loss
(Feel free to check my math)

Some people think crypto is a scam

but those are the same people

who are earning 0.1% APR from the bank 

they've been banking with for 35 years on 

their dollars that lost 8.1% to inflation.

That's only 81 years worth of interest. 

So, who got scammed?