Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Last American

View of The Last American
The law has become lawlessness wrapped in self-righteous petty crusades. Crusades to make others conform to our will not only the old fashioned way, but over the years we have dedicated ourselves and other peoples money into finding more technology driven solutions. Cointelpro was decades ago. Mere child’s play that managed to get a few of its victims to dive headlong from sixth story hotel windows and this very night I came to understand why.

From our first Fourth of July parade we are lied to in a systematic way by those who teach us about the nature of our nation. The very foundation of “Rule of Law” is a prevarication. The true Rule of Law is the same barbaric violence and coercion employed by homo erectus. Although anthropologists claim their species is extinct, I am surrounded by them this very night. They grunt and brandish their clubs and spears to “properly” motivate me. Their stench makes me dry heave and their savage manners repulse me.

Barbarism is the new American value. We inflict law at the point of a gun from the bottom up, while in the unholy halls of our Capitol the most blatant crimes go unnoticed, uncharged, and unpunished. These are the arbitrary ways of the corroded and corrosive cartel we are prisoners of operates. We used to be a free country, now we are all suspects or perpetrators, victims or victimizers, prey and predators all in our stations.

They say when you fight and enemy too long you take on their worst attributes. We have fought many enemies for far too long and we have become abomination. So, utterly deranged in our thoughts and customs that it all seems quite normal to invade another and call it beneficence, to kill another and call it mercy, to destroy everything we touch and call it freedom. The previous assumes that dropping a bomb on something can be considered a “touch”.

I was born in January 1967, and since my birth America has been at war 51% of my days. Those born in 1992 have never known a single day of peace. This is what we call “normal” because we have become twisted creatures unable to discern virtue from vice, Freedom from slavery, War from Peace, and Love from Hate. We stand on a solid sand and issue arbitrary edicts which satisfy our immediate designs and forsake our sacred principles. Principles obstructed the putrid black bile we vomit from our mouths and call justice this day.

An opiate epidemic moves through our streets like the Angel of Death through Egypt, but rather than being a sign of the Most High God our plague is a sign of the Most High in government and their cronies. The sign is $. As a means of providing “justice” to the land we allow the perpetrators of these crimes to retire with multi-million dollar bonuses and 401Ks while the victims we march off to our prisons. May God forgive us, but where He would find cause is a mystery.

Tolerance is the final cry of a dying civilization. Not tolerance for one another. No, there is no space for that, but tolerance for those who brought their civilization to its death rattle. As we decapitate, eviscerate, and incarcerate one other, the despots who poison our minds with horrors of WMDs, Russian hacking, and manufactured demons at every turn are immune from providing the most basic information1 of their activities and those of the “republic” which act in our names.

We celebrate the banning of plastic straws because they might hurt the fucking fishies, but we don’t hesitate a moment to invade someones bedroom and watch them masturbate night after night and then claim that there is something wrong with them!!! Because this is our God given right, right? You fucking sick motherfuckers. Well, fuck yourselves, too.

The Last American

1 Like, Where is the 21 Trillion dollars we gave you?

P.S. - If you're wondering about that last paragraph... I threw it in there to prove my point. It's the only one that your putting any real thought into. The rest of them make no real difference to you which makes me... The Last American.

Distances and Math

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Killing Silence

I hear it in the idle chatter of nostalgic old men. And the rasp of a full bird colonel who says, “They're all terrorists. It's either us or them.” He sets a chiseled gaze at the camera,
clears his throat, and then... I'll be God damned if I split my budget
with those goldbricking old men! I hear it in the announcer’s voice who laments, “It’s a slaughter... down by seventeen runs! Our Cubbies aren’t coming back from this one. Unless they pull out the big guns.” I hear it in the lies of the shopping network pitch “This is real Tasmanian chocolate brown crystal shit. Thousands above what anyone sane would pay for it, and it’s a ring pop so you can all suck it. Back in a bit.” I hear it in the bake sales, and fall fashion lines, and every mass shooting survivor who cries, “Give up your guns. Guns took my best friends lives!” Cut to the studio anchor wiping her misty eyes “The whole nation is mourning and paralyzed.” I hear it in the sermon of the Pastor
who speaks on the Sanctity of American life. Brits, and Canadians, too,
because God loves those guys. Praise God! and Open your Bibles to Genesis, Verse 12 in Chapter 25.
"Now, these are the generations of Ishmael,
Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian,
Sarah's handmaid, bare unto Abraham:
And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael,
by their names, according to their generations:
the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth;and Kedar,
and Adbeel..."
[Fades to silence] Half a world away a bombardier has Ishmael’s DNA in his sights. Praise God! We got those guys! The secondary must have been a mile high. High fives! I hear it in the certain voices of petty crusaders as they externally moralize and internally self-aggrandize. Saved a soul while a family dies. An acceptable price. Pass the ammunition and Praise Jesus Christ! Ain't that nice? The killing silence where we demonize, commit homicide, and cannibalize.
When you stand before the Throne, what will you say? I tell you the truth, you will rue that day. I tell you the truth, that you might understand. The Stain of Cain is the blood on your hands. Remaining silent is a guilty man’s Right. Take the Fifth its a value equal to the real Tasmanian chocolate brown shit.