Friday, August 24, 2018

A Pallet of Prozac, Please

(American diplomacy meets Game of Thrones Edition)

It may come as a bit of a surprise to our Federal policymakers that they do not possess the authority to set policy for the planet. Many people around the globe, myself included, are wondering if those who govern from inside the Beltway have gone out of their minds. To wit:

  • We are currently levying sanctions on Russia without any tangible proof of wrongdoing. Aside from the a priori argument “because we said so”, there is nothing substantive to our accusations.

  • We are pursuing sanctions against Iran based on similar thin air evidence. 

  • Venezuela is getting our sanction cold shoulder as well, but in the case of Caracas, it's more personality based than political.

The list goes on and on but I will not to economize time for both of us. Now, none of these things are overtly Cersei insane in the Game of Thrones known as US politics. To the contrary, these Tywinesque punitive mandates issued via the Twitter raven have become rather routine. Disturbing sure, but not irrefutably bats in the belfry like King Joffrey.

This is very reminiscent of the Lannister’s rule of law. Do as we command or we will lay siege and have your head on a pike at the Red Keep by nightfall.

Nevertheless, the bellicose behavior of our policymakers which many people around the globe, myself included, consider outlandish now constitutes American diplomacy terra firma. Perhaps, we can just chalk the bravado and bad manners up to Sansa Stark youthful naivety. That would be nice and expedient. So, let's assume it's inexperience, ignorance, bad advice from a Maestrer who's been sipping his own Milk of the Poppy, or anything other than malice at work in the Beltway belfry. We can dispatch the issue as quickly as a faceless man.

But then, there is this issue of sanctioning anyone who doesn't respect our sanctions. That is straight up cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs stuff. It's a warning to every other sovereign nation on the pale blue dot that America’s leadership is in need of a Costco size pallet of Prozac addressed:

Residents, et al.
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
The Nut Factory, USA.

This all encompassing dictatorial threat to friend and (perceived) foe alike seems very un-American to me, many people around the globe included. Rather than the acts of an enlightened republic, we are issuing the ultimatums of a senile emperor. A very dangerous and increasingly paranoid emperor who isn't so certain that his reign is just, that truth will out, and that good will always triumphs over evil. A demented and twisted king whose final decree would be, "Burn them. Burn them all!"

Where's a Kingslayer when you need one?

Our diplomatic energies, like all human endeavors, can produce either heat or Light. Justice, Truth and Goodness only produce Light. We have become far too fond of dragons.