Monday, June 15, 2020

This Ain't Science...


Here in Washington State, as in the other forty-nine States, we have sacrificed much, far too much, in the COVID-19 Hysteria. As time passes and we get a better view of the "threat"and weigh our sacrifices to calculate the cost/ benefit of each one, we are dismayed. Never before in America have so many sacrificed so much to achieve so little results.


  1. This is one of the most misleading graphs I've seen on COVID-19. Of course deaths remain steady as we still have infected people.

    Show a graph for the RATE of infection instead.

    Also, the premise is entirely misleading as it doesn't account for the morons that refuse to participate in bringing this pandemic to an end. As long as there are those morons, the infection rate will continue on it's present trajectory.

  2. Ray, I made the chart myself using excel and the numbers provided by the source listed at the bottom of the graph. You are free to verify the data and dates yourself. If the truth is misleading you would be correct, but in truth we are being mislead away from the truth. Technically, this would hardly qualify as a pandemic. It missing the massive loss of life. The death toll is significantly below the number of people who die each year from diarrhea. Diarrhea, Ray, diarrhea.


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