Common sense Ideas for (and from) Exceptional Idiots...
21.No, I mean really outlaw lobbyists.
- Switch to the Metric System
- Use retired Army medics and Navy corpsman (E-7 and up) as a first line of defense in health care.
- Stop giving credit to terrorist groups on the news.
- Calculate every government spending program at 140% of expected cost and count every new revenue stream at 60% of estimated return.
- Require that all laws be written to the “reasonable man” standard, so a reasonable man could readily understand the law.
- Stop replying to things Kim Jun Un says.
- Make business start ups easy as opening a preferred customer account.
- Teach entrepreneurship in elementary school and high school.
- Redefine the word “community” as a verb.
- Make the board of directors of pharmaceuticals take every new medication for a month prior to approval.
- Stop glorifying violence as a way to resolve conflicts.
- Let others make their own decisions.
- Teach children that respect is earned but courtesy is given.
- Have American car design, American innovation, and American Product, etc. competitions to inspire American ingenuity.
- Do campaign finance reform so only registered voters may contribute a maximum of $500.00 and all money not spent on the current campaign are used to fund campaign finance enforcement.
- Write a national law which will require transparency for all political parties. All internal documents, video, or other media would become public domain after two years.
- Slowly transform Social Security from a Ponzi scheme into a means tested investment program.
- Promote and facilitate the creation of tiny house communities in and around major urban areas.
- Offer a tax credit for residential, commercial, and industrial properties which increase by 30% or more their thermal insulation up to the recommended amount.
- Outlaw lobbyists.
21.No, I mean really outlaw lobbyists.