Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Law of Cause and Effect

Go ahead, keep teaching your children that their lives

and those of others have no real intrinsic value and
see what happens.

Your children adopt your values, then they apply


The Truth Does Not Require Lies

Now, just remember no matter how many times they lie to you they're still telling the truth.

Do you recall Climategate and then Climategate II

When has the truth ever required the support of lies?

Friday, May 10, 2019

CUFFS for Congress!

Now you're ready to represent us!

With the campaign season roaring into high gear, I thought it appropriate to re- re- reintroduce my campaign finance reform in three sentences, which I call the Congress Unchained From Financial Scumbags Act or CUFFS.

 1.  Only registered voters who live in a candidates district may contribute. 

2.  Each registered voter may donate a maximum of $500.00 indexed to inflation per candidate. 

3. All money not spent on the current campaign are forfeit to fund campaign finance enforcement.

Congress has spent the better part of fifty years debating Campaign Finance and has yet to produce anything as sensible, equitable, simple, and revenue neutral as that.

Put the CUFFS on Congress!