Thursday, March 3, 2022

Monsanto, FDA, & EPA: No Suppression, Just Tacit Approval

You’ve got to love Snopes. Not only do they suck at what they do, but they don’t even try to hide it. They just blather on torpedoing their own integrity just as often as the corrupt institution they are trying to keep afloat.

So, let’s get this straight…


The product has been on the market since 1974 and is used on just about every grain we eat and the feed for the livestock we eat, and we can’t get a conclusive answer from the FDA or EPA over the course of nearly half a century regarding whether or not glyphosate causes cancer?  What would Snopes call that rather preposterously long amount of time to be potentially poisoning the American People, “red tape”, “Due diligence”,”a multi-generational deliberative process”? What?

Why hasn’t there been serious, intensive, and conclusive investigation into a chemical herbicide that is showing up in just about everything we eat over the last half a century, Snopes? If that isn’t being in “cahoots”, then it’s just plain “dereliction of duty”, “failure to care”, or maybe “garden variety incompetence”. 

Here’s FUCU’s approach to ferreting out the truth…

  1. Is this something the EPA and FDA have regulatory control over? YES

  2. Something that could have a catastrophic effect on Americans? YES

  3. Do we have the technology to run conclusive tests? YES

  4. Have the EPA and FDA run the tests? NO

  5. Why not? Uhm… Eh… Well, you see… I’ll invoke the Fifth.

In conclusion, while it is possible, but highly unlikely, the FDA and EPA are not suppressing the information about glyphosate, they certainly aren't doing much investigating, gathering, and disseminating either. FUCU can find no justifiable reason for the gross negligence, regulatory foot dragging, and a stellar failure to take initiative on what could be the wholesale poisoning of the American People by the FDA and EPA. This issue should be both agencies first and foremost issue to resolve before another molecule of glyphosate enters a baby's mouth.

Actions will always speak louder than words, but when it comes to glyphosate the FDA and EPA haven't provided much of either. Just an eerie half century of silence.