Saturday, February 12, 2022

Follow the Science, damn it!


For every one person you save from Covid-19. you kill three with heart attacks. 
I bet that sound like "Following the Science" to you, Dr. Mengele.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Conspiracy: As easy as 1, 2, or 3

 It's not a theory anymore..

Maddow Options

Watch this video and keep in mind there are only three options...

#1- She didn't know the truth and she was lied to, and in turn she lied to you. Which makes her a gullible moron and useful idiot.
#2 - She did know the truth which makes her so much worse.
#3 - No one knew the truth which means Pfizer did not test its "safe vaccine" and this has all been medical fraud and malpractice.
There are no other options. Take your pick.

Think for yourself