Friday, May 18, 2018

On Fidelity...

With all the recent news about Stormy Daniels and the Monica Lewinsky scandal during the Clinton administration of years past, it begs the question,

 "Is martial infidelity a big deal for the President of the United States of America?"

Oddly, it only seems to matter to opposition parties. If there is a seated Democratic President, then Republicans become the voice of public morality. However, if the Republicans hold the White House, the Democrats take up the role of self-righteous pontificators. So, does it really matter to the American people or is monogamy just a tool of partisan politics?

Here is my take on the Presidential monogamy matter: If the woman who he took an oath before God to be loyal to cannot trust him, then how can we trust him in his Oath of Office?

It is just that simple.

It is just that fundamental.

It is just that critical.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Servants of our Conscience

As a Free People, we have the God given Right to speak our minds. God gives this Right to every human being, whether our words demonstrate our ignorance or enlightenment, our love or hatred,  our thoughtfulness or rash behavior makes no difference. We all have the Right to voice our opinions. We have a Right to our own bodies and the fruits of our labor.We have the Right to be free.

With great Rights come great Responsibility. We have a responsibility to be Servants of our own Conscience and the duty to ignore the pack of ravening wolves who would  silence us with their howls of indignation and offense.

Monday, April 16, 2018

I am National Security

In a Republic the People are the nation's security. There is no need for a massive, invasive security apparatus. The People protect a government which is for, by, and of the People. They are invested in it like their home. They feel that their voice is heard and their basic needs are met.

In other forms of government, which are almost all oligarchies (like ours), there will always be a gestapo, Stasi, Cheka, or NSA… I meant KGB. These State Security services provide security for the State against the People who live under its dictatorial regime and may also guard against foreign governments “misleading” their people with the “wrong” information. State media provides very little in the way of “news” and relies on emotionally moving topics or “feel-good” fluff pieces. This keeps the people distracted from the financial shenanigans and more serious criminal activities “their” government is perpetrating.

Keeping the People distracted is of primary importance. Here's why...

If you ever want to pickpocket a couple guys, find two over the top football fans with team rivalries. Lure them into battle over who’s the greatest team overall, or best defense, or best offense, or best celebrity endorsements, or even the best smelling stadium urinals, virtually any minutia that sets your targets at odds will do. Once they are in the heat of “battle”, rob them at will. In the highest pitch of their melee, you may be able to proudly state, “I’m just stealing your wallets”, without either taking notice. That’s human nature. The surveillance state understands human nature because they have been watching you all your life. Their survival depends upon knowing your every weakness, your every flaw, your strengths, and even what you whisper into your wife's ear when you make love. Those security states which fail at this basic job requisite end up like General Pinochet or Shaw Pahlavi... deposed.

Loyalty to the State takes precedence over God, family, and friends because the State is there to "protect" you all. The State has the ominous responsibility of loco parentis. You don’t know how lucky you are to live in a State such as this; so free, so just, so much better than anywhere else, because this State is yours, your father and mother’s, and their fathers and mother’s before them.

"God Bless the State you’re in, your home, sweet home!(Tears streaming down your cheeks)."

Much must be done to protect such “sacred” moments. Things that must remain secret for many years. The State is always working for you but you may never know its work. There are too many enemies that would use the State’s secrets against you. So, the State must keep you safely in the dark, for your own protection. Never consider in a Republic the People are the just powers enabling the State to rule. How can one rule in the dark for 40 or 50 years? How can criminals be held accountable for their crimes if the people in whose names these crimes were committed are blissfully unaware for a generation?

As the States criminality waxes, the need for ever more “National Security” redaction in public records increases until the information available to the voter looks like this…

All for your safety, of course.

Many years later, if the truth ever comes to light, you may find the redaction read something like…

The people are too easily manipulated by the “powers that be” when kept ignorant of the truth. Atrocities, even genocides have happened without the knowledge and at the expense of the people in whose names the government murdered.

The taking of the American West, was glossed over with dime store novels of Wild Bill Hitchcock, Wyatt Earp, and the great Indian fighter George Armstrong Custer. Had the truth been known, I would hope that Custer would have spent his last days in a military prison, atoning for his murderous rampages of mostly women and children.

Today, with the immediacy of satellite feeds and lightning fast internet connections we feel more in touch with what our government is doing than in the days of telegraph and pony express. We feel more on top of things. Breaking news is transmitted around the globe and we are only a 10 second delay away. We have a fairly good grip on what the issues are that matter. We know the hottest political hacks and candidates de jure. We know the inner workings of the White House, 10 Downing, and the Bundestag, if we care to know. We can run this republic, at least, I can. My vote is an educated assessment of the facts of record. I watched every debate. Our ego cries out, "It is everyone else who is ignorant!"

What if our data points were all bullshit? A grand performance from beginning to end? You were only window shopping on a magnificent mile of CGI dreams while below all that glittering gold was built on a foundation of rotting corpses?

What if there was no gold at all, just cheap spray paint masking lead bars and you must pay for the difference in value? What if you are just another Neo pre-Morpheus? Do you think that is air you are breathing?

What if all you’re well conceived and elegantly concluded opinions are only what you have been told to think? What if the information source you call home is designed to manufacture your consent for the crimes of the day rather than to inform? What if it didn’t matter who you voted for or even less who was elected, because the game is rigged before you cast a ballot?

  • The same wars declared. 
  • The same economic recession planned. 
  • The same housing bubble collapse scheduled. 
  • The same bottom falling out of the gold market on cue. 
I sound insane now, right?

What if I added “...because three central banks coordinated the sell off” to the last one? My sanity is suddenly restored, because now you recognize that type of coordinated effort as a very normal event in macroeconomics. However, the others are not the result of coordinated efforts on the part of conspiring parties?

As for the wars, may I say, “WMDs in Iraq”? Do you remember how deep the pile of falsified evidence was? Do you remember the extraordinary detail in Colin Powell's FALSE testimony?

The result of coordinated efforts on the part of conspiring parties!

Does anyone have a clue why we are still in Afghanistan seventeen years after 9/11 and seven years after we eviscerated Osama Bin Laden? Afghanistan sits like the great board game that you loved two Christmases ago, but now have moved on to some grander amusing thing. While it seems a thing of the past or static to us, it still festers creating more dead, greater misery, and ever higher expenses to you and your future generations.

The result of coordinated efforts on the part of conspiring parties!

Not feeling so secure now, are you?

Well, you better be because You Are National Security or a Nation of the Insecure as can be.

Choose your destiny: Freedom or Slavery?

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Truth About Illegal Immigration...

Illegal immigration is a problem in the United States. A serious problem. It's a problem that has great economic implications for our future of our nation. With this in mind, we have to examine the roots of our illegal immigration problem otherwise we are treating the symptoms without understanding the epidemic. In which case, we're all dead. 

The roots of this illegal immigration epidemic, as with all epidemics, lay in its history. Mexico had its richest and most productive lands stolen from it by.... us. The U.S. annexed California (currently the 5th largest economy in the WORLD) and Texas (currently the 10th largest economy in the WORLD) by military conquest. We outright stole it in the same way Saddam tried to steal Kuwait. The only differences are,  Kuwait had been a part of Iraq for a very long time until someone in London carved off the southern tip of the land richest in oil reserves and setting up a monarchy friendly to the British crown before handing a depreciated Iraq back to the Iraqis and this aggression DID stand. 

We stole the gold, the oil, and the bountiful farm land because we beat the living shit out of them and took it. It's as simple as that. Now, the  children of this impoverished nation, Mexico come begging at our door to cut our lawn for minimum wage, and your solution to right this wrong is to build a wall to ensure they remain impoverished while we split the booty. 

Just keep this in mind when speaking of what's "legal"... because we are on the wrong side of that Wall.

The only long term solution to the immigration problem is to allow Mexico and our Southern neighbors to economically develop free from American influence and invasion. Then, these people will not be dying to come here.

This is the Truth about illegal immigration. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Fur-Lined Sinks for Free!

It's a Lie

Anyone involved in the business world long enough has heard the cliche, “TIME is MONEY”, but the flaw in this revered fact is it's false.

The Worker Mindset

When paid an hourly wage, the employee assumes that an hour of our time is of equal value whether they are providing valued products or services to customers, or browsing Both provide the worker with equal compensation to service their wants and needs.

The Entrepreneur Mindset

Entrepreneurs understand that “PROVISION is MONEY”. Time is the “space” in which provision happens or purses get perused on Provision is the process of providing customers with the goods and services they want and need for which they are willing to pay.

These paradigms delineate the division between workers and entrepreneurs. A worker may naturally by the law of calorie conservation avoid work while the entrepreneur finds or creates solutions to facilitate provision.

When someone with the worker mindset opens a business, they may spend countless hours preparing their product. Yet, even after declaring bankruptcy the dismayed worker mindset remains befuddled how those thousands of hours spent producing fur-lined sinks couldn't keep their custom kitchen business afloat. Trapped in the worker mindset, they churn the same irrelevant facts through their heads:

They had a monopoly!

They worked their ass off!

They worked from dawn till dusk every day.

They poured their life savings into advertising.

They spent every waking moment living fur-lined sinks.

Life isn't fair.

No, my friend, LIFE is not FAIR, and TIME is not MONEY.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


The more a nation's leadership howls about the wolves outside the castle gates, the more obvious it should be that claws rest upon the throne.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Truth about North Korea

QUESTION: Why Does the superpower America fear tiny North Korea obtaining nuclear weapons?

HALFWIT’S ANSWER: Because they are a rouge state which pose a clear and present danger to the United States and our interests overseas.

SKEPTIC’S ANSWER: Because saber rattling increases President Trump’s popularity ratings and he is desperate to legitimize his election which was stolen by him with the aid of the Russians who also pose a clear and present danger to the United States and our interests overseas.

THE TRUTH: Unfortunately, the truth doesn’t fit into a convenient thirty second soundbite, but human beings have an amazing power to know the truth when they hear it or read it as the case may be. However, if no one is speaking the truth, then no one is hearing the truth, and in such times any fiction will do. The previous two answers are just such fiction. Many younger Americans remember very little about the Korean War. The more educated will recall from the history lessons the harrowing conditions suffered by the American soldiers at the Chosin Reservoir and the bold landing at Inchon Harbor that encircled the North Koreans and turned the fortunes of the American backed south from certain defeat to a partitioned Korean stalemate. The less educated young American will only remember a lot of shelling done by the North Koreans upon some very funny doctors of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital starring Alan Alda and an incomparable cast of others. This is very far from the full unadulterated truth.

The North Koreans invaded the South for the typical reason anyone starts a war, theft. Men do not abide other men living in peace for long. In times of peace men create such beautiful and useful things in great abundance. Men of war see these things and covet them, so they do what they do and go to war in the hopes of stealing such beautiful things and holding them aloft before their people and shouting, “These things rightfully belong to us. Did not our God or political system or economic ideology hand them over to us? Are they not rightfully ours as the victors?” Theft. Just a consecrated, insulated form of criminality. That was the North Koreans motives and just about every other warlord’s model for the perfect crime throughout human history.

The North Korean warlord, Kim Il Sung, overestimated his thieving skills when he invaded the South on the 25th of June, 1950. Not by much, because he almost got away with it, but enough to accomplish very little with the exception of an enormous body count by war’s end. During the defense of South Korea, America prosecuted a bombing air war that was by all accounts “savage”: Atrocities were committed. War not only provides for unmitigated theft, but another one of mankind’s favorite sins, murder. When the North Korean soldier wrote home to tell his family how tough things were in the “glorious campaign” (of theft) and the letter was returned to him explaining that everyone he knew and cared about back home had been obliterated by an American bomb, they tended to take such news personally. This type of notification happened on a massive scale. America lost 0.25% of it’s population in all of World War 2, the North Koreans lost 100 times as many, a full 25% of their population in this meat grinder we know today as the Korean War. So, in a nutshell, the reason why America fears North Korea having a nuclear weapon is because we killed their mothers, their fathers, their sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, best friends, lovers, and even their favorite water buffalo and we don’t want them to have the opportunity to do it back to us.

The sins of our fathers...

North Korean Veteran Coming Home

That is the truth.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Employment of Gainful Misdirection

Misdirection of focus as a means of using human nature 
to exploit human beings.

They keep you focused here…
When you should be scrutinizing here…

They keep you running after this…
When you should be seeking this…

They keep you worried about this…
When you should be concerned with this…

The captivate you with this…
When your focus should be this…

They dominate your world…
When this is your world…

You must lose your confusion over their illusions 
to restore your American Dream because 
things are not what they seem.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Purpose in Patriotism

Being a patriot got a bad rap in the 1980's when love of America took a back seat to the white supremacist, gun-toting lunatic in the woods of wherever who was certain the Guberment (not a typo) was gonna kill us in them FEMA camps the UN was setting up. Oddly enough, this redefinition of patriotism took place at the same time being a "Global citizen" came into fashion. Weird, huh? I'm not saying it was a conspiracy. It's just one of those perfectly timed, well-planned coincides that happen rather frequently. Sort of like those chemical weapon attacks made by some deranged leader on his own people (and who has decided to stop using Federal Reserve Notes) right before the U.S. takes a pining to invading the "madman's" country like Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Remember Chemical Ali? It kinda' makes you wonder, "Who would be crazy enough to stock these lunatics with chemical weapons?" It's damn peculiar.

Nevertheless, patriotism is a good thing because it reminds us that even when we disagree, we're all still on the same side. That's important. Otherwise, we might turn into disparate, feuding factions. We'd be susceptible to manipulation. United we stand, right?

If we didn't hang together, the next thing we'd know we'd be jumping from one endless war to another and swindled by corrupt politicians who were in bed with sleazy business tycoons. The perpetrators of giant financial scams would remain nameless. Political parties would be defrauding the voters, political candidates would walk away from felonies free as can be in a country where the people don't give a s#!t about their future because they don't see one. It's all been so mismanaged for so long it's hopeless. No matter who you vote for, it's just more of the same disastrous policies that brought us to this place of despair.

The problem is we confused our
love of America with out politics, our love of country with who's gonna' make us rich, and defending the land with following a flag no matter where on earth it goes. None of these problems has a damn thing to do with who is sitting in the White House. It's got nothing to do with politics. You see, if the people are strong they don't need leaders because they are leaders. If the people are leaders they wont be following any more disastrous policies that brought us to this place of despair.
So, let's get the hell outta' here. 

Mostly Truth

They will call this fake news, and part of it is. Hillary wouldn't publish the truth. Therefore, there is no book. The rest is truth. Do your own research. You'll figure it out if you want to, but odds are that you would rather remain blissfully unaware of this nation's situation. Most of us are the people Morpheus is describing here...

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependant on the system, that they will fight to protect it. -Morpheus

Saturday, October 7, 2017

A Moment of Clarity

We spend hours everyday voicing our opinions, mostly to ourselves on Facebook, as if it makes a difference. We watch the fake news, we read the biased papers, and listen to the radio hosts who reinforce our points of view. That's how we stay informed. 

But if the chatter just stopped, if we put aside the heat of the moment, and thought in silence for a few memes about what's happened over the last couple of decades, we'd be hard pressed to conclude anything other than this...

We've lost our country and our voice in the world. We've been robbed of our future by scheming politicians (all of them) and crafty financiers (the usual suspects). In retaliation or by persuasion, we're robbing our children's children's children of their future by means of accounting ledgers because we've developed a sense of entitlement which is as boundless as the greed our "leaders" and their banker backers have repeatedly demonstrated by their bad examples. 

We're following the leaders.

Just following the leaders.





Monday, October 2, 2017

It's the Matrix

So, here it is America, our system is a sham...

The DNC uses "We don't owe anyone a fair primary election" as a defence against a class action lawsuit. 

[Wait! Go back and click that link]

This revelation may also explain why we've been fed so much red herring (e.g.- Russiagate, Little Rocket Man, and NFL Protests  by the media lately.

Why isn't the mainstream media shouting this from the hilltops? This is the biggest political scandal in American history! Our Republic has fallen. We've all been told, "Every vote matters", but that just ain't so. What good is voting when someone else chooses the candidates you may vote for. Hitler or Stalin, take your pick because it's a free country.

Hey kids, try this on for size...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the oligarchy for which it stands..."

Definition of oligarchy

plural oligarchies

1:government by the few 
  • The corporation is ruled by oligarchy.

2:a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes 
  • a military oligarchy was established in the country
also :a group exercising such control 
  • An oligarchy ruled the nation.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Grinding Our Own Ax

It often seems that our elected representatives are unresponsive to the needs of the average American. If you’re a millionaire or part of a large special (self)interest group, you matter. Otherwise, you're one vote for the lesser of two evils you never wanted in the first place doesn’t motivate you to the polls. Your indolence is repaid in kind, people say. You can’t complain if you don’t vote, often follows.

By this standard, nearly half of all eligible voters have been unqualified to complain for more than a century. Therefore things are actually twice as bad as we hear, so thank God for standards.

Many have opted out of politics altogether, especially those who suffer from a conscience, extended recall, or the ethically afflicted who are forever damned to have ethics. Roger Waters might say, “They have become comfortably numb”.  While militant animal rights activists claim meat is murder, this equivalent puts politics on par with an incestuous anal rape murder suicide pact, if it's allowable to mention such a thing in polite company.

But wait, rape is involuntary. How could it be a pact? The same could be said of our politics! We’re choosing to get raped and murdered. We’re grinding our own ax.

The rest of us just keep playing along as if Republican and Democratic legislation produces different results. The only differences occur in the  rhetoric which precedes the vote. Words like “pro-business” get replaced with “income equality”, “border protection” replaced with “environmental protection”, and “freedom” with “tolerance”, all  semantics designed to motivate specific demographics up the same slaughterhouse ramp. Meat is murder when it's butchered from other human beings, but it's a renewable resource and green. Soylent Green. We’ve become comfortable cannibals.

One path designed to appeal to class envy the other to foster personal greed, both result in the evisceration of another sister or brother. The politicians just hand out the freshly sharpened axes and wait for the meal to come. A wolf lies in wait, while their more carnivorous primate cousin lies and waits for the meal to come.

There is unrest in the forest. There is trouble with the trees
for the maples want more sunlight and the oaks ignore their pleas.

Trouble in the maples and they are quite convinced they're right.
They say the oaks are just too lofty and they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings if they like the way they're made,
and they wonder why the maples can't be happy in their shade.

There is trouble in the forest and the creatures all have fled
As the maples scream 'oppression!' And the oaks, just shake their heads
So the maples formed a union and demanded equal rights  
'The oaks are just too greedy, we will make them give us light!’
Now there's no more oak oppression for they passed a noble law
and the trees are all kept equal by hatchet, ax, and saw.

Clear Cutting.png

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Strange Drug

Dedicated to the victims of Mandalay Bay

We're captivated and intoxicated. We're all hooked and we can't admit it. We live for the adrenaline rush that comes from violence. It's the status symbol and status report of our culture. Murder is on our streets, and pumps through our veins. It is what we eat. It fills our head and kills our heart. Until it blows our aorta apart. 

From the dime store novels of wild west outlaws to brawls on the playground, from Saturday morning cartoons to Dirty Harry, from CSI to SVU, and from UFC to CNN, all fortified with violence. We live for the stuff, can't get enough murder and mayhem, uppercuts, and head shots, demolition derbies, and laser guided bombs. We'll spend all night getting piss drunk until we're begging for a fight. Do you feel lucky, punk? With tickets, taxes, and our time we'll pay for it all because violence is a value. The quickest high is watching another man die. Adrenaline addiction's gateway is the human eye  

Professional football, pay-per-view title fights, and serial murderer’s stories in print or extra feature Blu-ray. Yes, we'll pay for them all.

Then we wonder why road rage, rape, and drive-bys show up in our neighborhoods. A few blocks away, for Christ's sake! We question the morality, sanity, and upbringing of others. We lament the decay of family values and basic respect for human life.

We constantly shake our heads and ask what's wrong with the world while watching a thrilling take-down on Cops. Show me your hands, mother fucker! The kids are playing Call of Duty and listen to Biggie Smalls way too loud in the media room... 

... the wife is in the kitchen finishing up the dishes and muttering, “Oh, my God” under her breath, over the horrors of the day delivered into your home on MSNBC and every other network, channel, station, headline, everything you see. It's enough to drive you crazy and blow a bullet hole in our society. He stab a man for not saying please. Then, stood there and watched him bleed out with no empathy. Thanks for the lesson in civility. It's not real, Just the adrenaline rush through the glowing screen. So, give me another and another and another victim... I said, please. 

Once in a while, you remember your fraying humanity and ask, "What's wrong with the world? Why are we going to shit?" 
You voted for the law and order candidate. You just don't get it. You've done your part. 

It's poetic and prophetic that the number one killer of men is failure of the heart? 

It suits us right.

Hey, Seal Team Six… is that on tonight? With the plane exploding, screams, then a huge fire fight... then a grenade hits him right between the eyes. I love that part.... electrocuted... the shark tore half his leg off... and the cluster bombs...fucking awesome! (Fades into silence)

Yes, we will pay for it all.
In nightly single woman attacks, gangland style drive-bys, and our children's lives... 

We are paying for it all... 
To hell we go. 
We reap as we sow.
We reap.
We reap.
We reap.