Wednesday, July 11, 2018


U.S. Constitutional System

Soviet System

Bill of Rights to protect individual rights with access to independent judiciary enforced.

  • While this may have been true at one time, the courts have rendered increasingly narrow interpretations of individual Rights to the point where it is now legal for the President to summarily execute an American citizen by declaring them an Unlawful Combatant. That is capricious, legal, and it is murder.

  • As for the independent judiciary, the rise of activist judges have turned the bench into their personal political principalities. Built on a foundation of case law where one poor decision can give birth to millions more and our Principles be damned.

Soviet constitution states protections, but there was no independent judiciary

  • Rights? Sure, you got rights. Abstract though they may be, just like every other country. 
  1. You have the right to choose from what is offered. 
  2. You have the right to throw yourself on the mercy of the State. 
  3. You have the right to be systematically swindled by those who administer administrative law. 
  4. You have the right to a legal system where the common person stands no chance of finding justice without a high priced "Priest of the Temple" to plea their petitions before the "Gods".
  5.  Certain restrictions may apply. 

Free elections

  • American elections are duopolized by two  massive, private corporations which hold no Constitutional validity, yet the Democratic and Republican parties are the gatekeepers of power for the United States. While they appear to be two separate institutions each representing 
  • distinctly different constituencies, they both answer to the same "powers that be". 
  • This makes our ostensibly free elections the illusion of Republic. By definition the United States is an Oligarchy. 
a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.

Government-controlled elections
Representative government at federal, state, and local levels

  • This is true, but whom are they representing? In search of an answer to this question, two university professors did a great deal of research and they came to some stark, but not surprising conclusions. See their work here.

Central Committee of Communist Party in control of central, state, and local government
Police under civilian control

  • Once again, this was true in the past but in our effort to fight the Drug War and now terrorism, we have turned our civilian police force into a para-military force which could rival many nations armies. Often the police officers are ex-military and are working in neighborhoods where they do not reside. The effect is one of an occupying force rather than local law enforcement. We have watched as Homeland Security and other Federal agencies have become far more involved in local law enforcement.

  • Currently, every form of electronic communication transmitted from one American citizen to another is filtered through the National Security Agency (for our protection, of course). Edward Snowden currently has a warrant for blowing the whistle on this glaring violation of our Fourth Amendment Rights. You remember, the Inalienable Rights we received from our Creator. They just ain’t so anymore.

  • On the matter of controlling dissent, we already know that most civil rights leaders were tailed by the FBI. More recently environmental activists and third party candidates have their daily activities recorded in «Official Use Only» dossiers. Let us not forget the newly created “free protest zones“ within a nation that was a free protest zone.
Police under party control; active secret police unit to control dissent
Free press

  • Free is an ambiguous term in this case. While there is a commercial press, it is not necessarily a free press. Corporate sponsors and political heavyweights exert pressure on news outlets by virtue of being the wealth and the power by which media lives or dies. Mr. Turner did not reach the pinnacle of media by saying “no” to the “powers that be”. Here’s an example of America’s “free” press.

  • As media opinions have narrowed, our options have followed suit. We are offered a few schools of thought to battle one another over, but in the end the People’s debate is background noise. The decision was made long before the average person became aware there was a choice to be made.

State-controlled press
Military under control of elected civilian government

  • A civilian is in charge of the military, many civilians. They are the executives of our largest defense contractors. Since 1967, the year of my birth, the United States has been at war 51% of my days. Those born after 9/11/2001 have never known a day of peace.

  • Dwight Eisenhower, began his military career as a Second Lieutenant in World War One and ended World War Two as the Supreme Allied Commander, then went on to be the Occupational Governor of Germany and eventually the President of the United States (Resume provided to disarm the “Communist”, “Hippie” or Conspiracy Nut” dismissals). President Eisenhower closed his public career by issuing the American People a stark warning about the military industrial complex. We ignored his appeal and now our military and our brave sons and daughters have become mercenaries for merchants.

  • We live in comfort and ease while we fight a “war” with no declared enemies, no rules of engagement, and no exit strategy. War without end. A nation which remains at war for decades and feels no ill effects (e.g. - Rationing) cannot be a moral nation for they have made war a thing of leisure.

  • Terrorism is a tactic. It’s not an enemy. We can no more defeat a tactic than we can defeat frontal attack or encirclement. The war on terror is nothing more than a license to kill anyone, anywhere, without conscience or consequence. That is a power no lawful nation should abide or exercise ever.
Military under control of central leadership of bodies Communist Party
Extensive private property ownership

  • Indeed, Americans own a great deal of real property. We live in a big country which dwarfs all European nations. The United States is the third largest nation-state on earth. Yet, home equity ratios have been dwindling since the early 1950’s. The property is privately owned, but mostly by the bank

  • We are increasingly house poor. A home is the largest investment most working people will ever make, and the viability and burden of that investment has been slowly ebbing from middle-class America. Many of those working and dream of being middle-class have a $15 an hour job which will provide the down-payment on lunch.
State ownership of major industries; very limited private ownership
In Conclusion
  • Yes, we knew that all along, so WTF are we putting so much time and treasure to becoming the necromancers of the USSR!?!
In Occlusion
  • In short, Communism sucks. It withers the human soul, depreciates the human being, and turns them into dysfunctional and despondent hive dwellers. Bees do hive thinking well. Humans do not. Stop trying.

“Some pipe dreams are so magnificent and appealing to the human mind that their golden visions last an entire lifetime. Taunting you, shimmering there, just out of your grasp. The dream persists long after the memories of the millions who perished in the last attempt to possess it. Your Precious, your gleaming socialist dream lasts long enough for you to commence the slaughter again. The necromancer lives once more.” 

Now, look away, close your eyes, and pretend you never read these words.

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