Friday, June 21, 2019

A Place for My Stuff

My ideas for bumper stickers. Feel free to steal them when I'm not looking (like now)...

More to come, probably.

Ya' see, give them free bumper stickers and they get demanding like you owe them something. 
That's just one of the things that's wrong with this country. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Law of Slaves

I do not obey laws. Neither should you. Laws allow governments to murder, rape, rob, cheat, swindle, and steal from anyone anytime they choose. Laws are transient, scheming things written to enable the greed no matter what the need.

Laws allowed human bondage to persist for thousands of years unimpeded. Laws allowed the Holocaust to proceed on schedule with industrial capacity results. Laws piloted the bombers to Dresden and turned the people sleeping below into ashes and soot. Laws allow a black man to be shot to death for using a cell phone in his grandmother's back yard. Laws allowed the police officer who murdered him to walk away and enjoy the rest of his poor decisions as a free man. Laws tell us we can't do drugs, but laws say it's okay to drink lead contaminated water in Flint, Michigan as long as you don't feel good while you do it.

Laws always come with a catch. The catch is meant for you. Laws always come with definitions. The definitions contort the meanings of words into grotesque caricatures. Laws are always written, at least in part, in an arcane, dead language because the authors know you won't comprehend it. Laws which you are required to obey necessitate a high priced interpreter to decipher. Laws ensure full employment for the authors. Laws are the longest running confidence crime in human history. Laws are acts of gratuitous violence dressed in the finest velvet and silk. 

Laws are the ultimate cause of human misery, economic privation, ignorance, loathing, and fear. Laws caused the atom bomb to be dropped on Nagasaki, the reactor to go critical in Chernobyl, and the attacks on the World Trade Center. Laws allowed the deception of WMDs in Iraq and the deception of a Russian hacked election.

Laws let Gina Haspel torture and kill prisoners under her charge and then be appointed Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Laws made Julian Assange and Edward Snowden hunted felons for telling you and I the truth. Laws keep jurors ignorant of their Right to Nullify Laws, otherwise the criminals who wrote them couldn't commit their crimes against humanity. 

Laws made us think all these things are okay because they are "legal". Laws make us think that the most revolting and nauseating behavior is acceptable because a relative handful of people scribbled some shit on a piece of paper saying it is.

Laws are the tool of the debauched used to rule over the morally bankrupt. Laws make sycophantic slaves of us all. That's why I do not obey laws. I follow Principles. You should too.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

This is Real

This is how American politics works. There are two Parties who represent the same interests, mostly Corporations and Billionaires. Millionaires don't qualify. These two Parties fight like cats and dogs in public about ancillary issues that no one can agree on. These are the topics you, the American People, shred each other over daily. It's like placing one toy between two toddlers. They are distracted. Then, these two Parties go about their criminal ways serving their real constituents, which aren't you. Divide and conquer! Get the picture?

So, yesterday the whole "Nervous Nancy" and "We're disgusted" show was just that a show. Like dialogue between the Lannisters and the Starks in Game of Thrones. Emotionally compelling, sharp witted dialogue delivered to the audience is what good showmanship depends on. It was a D-Day memorial. What better time to deliver the act. Lots of emotional, patriotic, American VOTERS watching. You could think it was real... it isn't, but you get so caught up in the drama. The news comes on and rehashes the SHOW over and over reinforcing the idea, "This is real." This is a battle between good and evil. This is what matters... who sits on the Iron Throne. 

I just threw that Game of Thrones reference out there to illustrate a different point. If you're a Democrat you just associated Democrats with the Starks, the protagonists of Game of Thrones. You see the Democrats as the underdog fighting against the corporate fascist greed of the Lannister Republicans. If you're a Republican, you just associated the Republicans with the Starks, fighting against the elitist totalitarian rule of the Lannister Democrats.

You're both wrong. It's the final episode
of Game of Thrones. You are Jon Snow, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are Daenerys and her dragon(s), and I am Tyrrian Lannister who just told you the unpleasant TRUTH. It's not about who sits on the Iron Throne.

The dragon had the right answer. 

Now, save the world or go on shredding each other over shit that politics cannot solve. If it could it would have years ago. 

That IS real.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

I Want a Refund!

The Paris Accord: Celebrated by Douchebags Globally

Not too long ago, I took the time to read through the much lauded Paris Accord on Global Climate Change. Not just the overrated thirty-two page signatory document that is shoved in front of your face every time you Google "Paris Accord", even on Wikipedia. All 195+ pages of the actual meat of the matter took me a little over three days of reading at two to three hours a day. (Thirty percent was actual reading. The remaining seventy percent was deciphering what the hell I just read.) That's six to nine hours of my mortal life I can never get back again, and I want a refund.

I've read a lot of legal documents in my day, and never before have I read one with so many caveats, loopholes, escape clauses, and pitfalls, yet still be acclaimed as a magnificent artifact of human cooperation. This thing is worse than a gym membership agreement and a music club contract combined. The most ubiquitous statements made in this remarkable examples of legalese horseshit reads like this…

That in layman's terms says absolutely nothing except "We're going to accept your legalese horseshit statement about climate change."


So, if Climate Change is such a grave threat to all life on planet Earth, why do politicians keep telling you it is but then acting like it's not.

Actions speak louder than words, even when written in legalese!

We're done with the bullshit… er… horseshit!

I want a refund!