Saturday, April 22, 2017


Have you ever pulled the cushions off the couch and thrown a blanket over the top to build a fort, a post office, ticket counter, or the general store? For a little while, as long as you could suspend disbelief, those cushions and a blanket were anything you pretended them to be. You invited your brother or sister, maybe your friends to play along, and they did. It was fun for everyone, until someone decided to play the bully who had to have it all. The fort, the post office, ticket counter, and the general store all belonged to the bully. Everyone playing was the bully's property, as well. You weren’t having that, so a fight broke out.

A broken lamp later, your Mom yelled down the stairs, “That’s enough of those silly games! The President is giving the State of the Union address. I can’t think straight with all the bickering going on and I’m trying to suspend disbelief!” 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Prophecy of the Great Seal Fulfilled

Behold! America has come to fulfill the prophecy foretold within the symbolism of her Great Seal.

Our national idol a bird of prey, the bald eagle, grips a fertile olive branch in its dexter talon; the symbol of peace, prosperity, diplomacy, agriculture, and abundance.

The alternate sinister talon of the eagle wields thirteen arrows a symbol of her capacity to strike at great distances, her unparalleled military might, and as a stark but silent  warning, “Beware all you who dare oppose me, death I will reign down upon your people and leave your places desolate.”

America's conscience will not allow her to acknowledge her dependence upon the latter for the former. Our prosperity depends on war.  

In her beak she hold a scroll which reads,  "E Pluribus Unum" which means in the Latin "From many One".  It is our Nation's motto. At the time it was selected,  it was a reference to the  colonies which joined together to forge a nation. 

However,  at the beginning of the Twentieth century,  those same words came to represent the throngs of immigrants who sold all they had and risked it all in the hope of making the American Dream their family's reality. They came from many cultures, spoke many languages,  but within a generation they became America's best and brightest.  

Today, "From Many One" still  represents the soul of America,  it means "We Serve Monopolies". 

Our mother eagle files off to terra incognita and there she rules the land from the skies, picking off the weak and the weary before returning home with fresh carrion to feed her young.

Sustainability is... 
Eating everything you kill.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Big Machine Politics

(or How You Became a Child Abuser)

The problem with a big machine is when they fail the damage can be horrendous. If the operators are not constantly vigilant, they may lose control and seriously injure or kill someone.

Big is the bugger because human beings can't maintain focus on big things indefinitely. That's just the way we are. It's our human nature. We will eventually lose control of the big beast and the damage will be proportional to its size. In the off hand chance we are lucky enough to keep the behemoth from killing people, eventually all machines break down. Someone's going to have to pay the bill. This is where the real luck pays off, because that someone isn't you. It's someone down the line of your descendants who never had a voice in the matter. Once built, mortgaged, and broke, the cost of either repairing or scrapping the damn un-lumbering hulk is commensurate to proportion.

No matter what you were told by experts or assured by accountants at inception, the price tag will be much, much more than anyone imagined. Far outside the bell curve of probability, high and to the right, you'll find some number in need of expression by scientific notation. That's your bill. Please remit. Thank you.

The above is an info-graphic which illustrates the relative costs of some of our bigger government programs on an annual basis or a total estimated expenditure. Pretty huge numbers, huh

Well, that ain't solid human waste. It's practically pocket change to us because we don't pay anywhere near enough for the stuff we get right now. We pay 60%, and the rest is on the heads of our precious children and their children's children. What a bargain! It's all for the children, the bill that is. It's like an inter-generational heroin addiction except we're the only generation to experience the euphoria. The rest withdrawal.

They can't vote anyway. Can they? Hell, most aren't even born, yet! But we're taxing the hell out of them without any representation. Taxation without representation, that's what America is 40% about... now.

But wait, there's more...Here's the real bowel blaster...

See that little box in the lower left corner, that is all those expenses of which we are only picking up a little more than half. The BIG box is the money our precious little ones will have to carry 100% on, plus interest of course.

Oh, and then there are all the deficits we accumulate in the future before we escape this world leaving our tiny tots to the carnage of the...

So, let's grab all the "Free" stuff from the government, while we can. Liberals and Socialists are so compassionate and concerned, aren't they?
